- Alpine Pond history and info
- Alpine Pond wildlife napping
- Alpine Pond with Gadwall Ducks 1
- Alpine Pond Song Sparrow
- Alpine Pond Red Eared Sliders
- Alpine Pond Pied-billed Grebe
- Alpine Pond wildlife
- Alpine Pond with Gadwall ducks
- Alpine Pond
- Alpine Pond
- Alpine pond in winter
- Artist Dada working on Mural at Crow Bar
- Art as storm drain markers
- Community Garden in its youth
- Community Garden Groundbreaking Dec 2012
- Community Garden swing
- Community Garden in the summer 2014
- Dawson Elementary School, Kite Day 3-13-15
- Dawson Elementary School playscape
- Dawson Elementary School swings in winter
- Dawson Elementary on Kites, bubbles and drone photo ops
- East Bouldin Creek at El Paso, facing north
- East Bouldin Creek at Cumberland, facing south
- East Bouldin Creek from Cumberland, facing north
- East Bouldin Creek utility work, north side of Havana
- East Bouldin Creek Cleanup 2011, starting out
- Creek cleanup results resting on Stephanie’s Art Bridge
- East Bouldin Creek during rain, south side Cumberland bridge
- East Bouldin Creek in the snow 2011, south side of Cumberland 2
- East Bouldin Creek in the snow 2011, south side of Cumberland
- East Bouldin Creek in the snow 2011, north side of Cumberland
- Gillis Park Trees
- Gillis Park playground
- Gillis Park winter trees
- Gillis Park on It’s My Park Day! 3-7-15
- Green Neighborhood celebration
- Grackles roosting near HEB
- Grackles roosting and taking flight near HEB
- Guinea fowl babies 2014 (little brown balls hiding in the grass)
- Guinea fowl on Brinwood 2
- Guinea fowl
- South Austin Neighborhood Center
- Stephanie’s Art Bridge, north side of El Paso
- Stephanie’s Art Bridge, south side of El Paso
- Sidewalk of Fame, Cumberland to S. Congress
- Neighborhood Habitat Challenge Certificate 2011
- Green Neighborhood Certificate 2011