DNA Newsletter July/August 2017 This month's meeting is Monday, August 14 at Mollie Dawson Elementary, 3001 S. Congress, at 6:30 p.m.
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DNA Newsletter July/August 2017 This month's meeting is Monday, August 14 at Mollie Dawson Elementary, 3001 S. Congress, at 6:30 p.m.
DNA Newsletter May/June 2017 NOTE: Our meeting location has changed to Mollie Dawson Elementary. We can no longer meet at the Durwood Community Center as they require us to leave by 8:00 p.m. This month's meeting is Monday, June 12 at Mollie Dawson Elementary, 3001 S....
By: Cynthia Medlin In anticipation of future growth in the student population and the expansion needs of the St. Edward's University a community meeting was held on campus February 18, 2017 to get community feedback on proposed changes. Architectural renderings were...
DNA Newsletter March/April 2017 NOTE: Our meeting location has changed to Mollie Dawson Elementary. We can no longer meet at the Durwood Community Center as they require us to leave by 8:00 p.m. This month's meeting is at Mollie Dawson Elementary, 3001 S. Congress, at...
DNA Newsletter January/February 2017 This month's meeting is at the South Austin Multipurpose Center, 2508 Durwood at 6:30 p.m. NOTE: The Multipurpose Center now requires us to leave at 8:00 p.m., rather than at 8:30 as in the past.
DNA Newsletter FINAL - December Please note: the location for Monday's meeting has been CHANGED to Dawson Elementary, at 3001 S. 1st Street. Please join us at 6:30 pm Monday, December 12, for our annual elections and potluck!
DNA Newsletter - July-August 2016
DNA Newsletter June2016
DNA Newsletter April 2016