March 5th is It’s My Park! Day

Be a part of the Dawson Alpine Pond Transformation Project! VOLUNTEER on It’s My Park Day, March 5 from 9 am to 1 pm. The neighborhood plan is to eventually landscape the Alpine Detention Pond (fed by East Bouldin Creek) and an adjacent city-owned area to the west of...

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February 2016 Meeting and Newsletter

Please join the Dawson Neighborhood Association and Planning Contact Team at our next meeting February 8th, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the South Austin Neighborhood Center located at 2508 Durwood. For more information, read our February newsletter DNA...

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December 2015 DNA/DNPCT Meeting

DNA News December 2015: The Newsletter of the Dawson Neighborhood Association ANNUAL POT LUCK Monday, December 14th 6:30—8:30 p.m. Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore, 500 W. Ben White Blvd. Join us for neighborhood festivities! Please bring your favorite dish or...

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DNA & DNPCT October 2015 Meeting and Newsletter

  Greetings everyone, Now that there's a bit of a chill in the air, this snowy scene on Dawson's section of East Bouldin Creek seems appropriate! Please join us Monday, October 12th, at 2508 Durwood 6:30-8:30 p.m. for the DNA and DNPCT meetings. For more...

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Hotel Proposed for 2510 South Congress

A Boutique hotel is being proposed for this property which has been a chicken and a chinese fast food restaurant previously. 2510 South Congress Aerial View 2510 S Congress Ave - Street View Owners have presented to the Dawson Neighborhood at the June meeting. They...

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DNA and DNPCT Survey Results

1. Do you want the newsletters to be delivered a full week before the meeting? If so, can you volunteer to help produce and deliver the newsletter? Q1: Yes: 9; No: 6 Q2: Yes: 4; No: 3 2. Would you like to see a detailed meeting summary for both the DNA and the DNPCT...

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