A Boutique hotel is being proposed for this property which has been a chicken and a chinese fast food restaurant previously.
2510 South Congress Aerial View
2510 S Congress Ave – Street View
Owners have presented to the Dawson Neighborhood at the June meeting. They are in the early stage of development, but we have received initial plans from them for our information. According to the plans the hotel will be 3 stories high generally, and 4 stories on South Congress and at the back. The rear will also have a swimming pool with a small building next to that.
Guesthouse Hotel Elevations
Guesthouse Hotel Plan
Guesthouse Hotel Site Plan
A setback variance is needed because the development is going to be closer to the south side property line than is allowed by zoning restrictions (Adjacent to a church with dwellings – zoned SF3). They are in communications with this adjacent owner.
The 2510 property is narrow for this scale of building therefore the building is very long and narrow with a driveway on the south side encroaching into the setback area.
We will be continue discussion of the development at the next DNPCT meeting in August.