Gillis Park on It’s My Park Day!
A big thank you to everyone who made this year’s It’s My Park Day! a success for Gillis Park! Residents of the Dawson Neighborhood were joined by Dawson Elementary School teachers, their children and the school’s principal on the chilly but dry morning. Thanks to Julie Woods for organizing the event.
Austin’s biggest city-wide volunteer event is It’s My Park Day, held the first Saturday of March, which is the 7th this year. Each year, thousands of volunteers work to improve parks and greenbelts throughout the city. This year a group of students from Mollie Dawson Elementary School will join Dawson neighborhood residents at Gillis Park for clean up.
In 2014, Austin had over 100 projects city-wide, over 3,000 volunteers, and over 10,000 hours of volunteer labor. That’s equivalent to 5 park maintenance employees working full-time for a whole year! All told, including labor, this one day represented an investment of over one quarter of a million dollars for Austin’s parks.
If you would like to participate, please go to our Contact Us page to send us a message. If you would like more information about this event, go to http://www.austinparks.org/its-my-park-day.html.